Great summary....Iskcon has recently introduced a free online course to understand Gita in 18 days https://t.ly/gita

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Aug 22, 2021Liked by Shreya Badonia

To me, the Gita is a way of life. To me it seems like a multi layered user manual that presents advanced material as your experience of life evolves.

Hindus (back then, the entire Indian subculture) believed in a universal consciousness (God) that flows through and binds everything. And recognising oneself to be a part of this consciousness was possible only through the human form. Having achieved this realisation would free us (the Self that’s distinct from the individual’s mind, identity or body) from the infinite cycle of birth and death.

From that frame, a lot of things said in the Gita, might start to make a lot of sense or could be interpreted differently. Who we are, where we are born, everything is pre scripted by our Karma. And everyone we meet, everything that happens, happens for a reason. Resisting none of it and craving for none of it, is the way forward. One is detached yet full of acceptance (love).

My journey into spirituality has been pretty interesting! Would be happy to chat about it over coffee sometime.

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